Kostel Jana Křtitele / A church of John the Baptist

Kostel Jana Křtitele / A church of John the Baptist

V tomto novogotickém kostelíku ministroval můj kamarád David, bylo mu dvanáct let. Je to již dávno, v dobách socialismu. David byl nemocný a zbývalo mu jen několik let života, věděl o tom. Naštěstí to byl nezlomný veselý člověk plný života. Za svou službu v kostele byl David ve škole veřejně sekýrován a zesměšňován, ne režimem, ale pedagogy.. Ti samozřejmě v roce 1989 hned obrátili. To David již na tomto světě nežil. Když jsem na ulici potkával "ty pedagogy", nestáli mi za pozdrav.


In this neo-gothic church was ministering my friend David, he was twelve years old. It´s a long time ago, in times of socialism. David was ill and only a few years of his life remained, he knew about it. Fortunately, he was an unbreakable and cheerful person full of life. For his service in the church, David was publicly ridiculed and bullied at school, not by a regime, but by educators. They, of course, changed their right in 1989. But David did not live in this world anymore by that time. When I met "those teachers" on the street, i did not even greeted them.

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